Reality Check

What's This All About?

Steven Farmer Season 1

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Hey everyone!! Here is the introduction to the Reality Check Podcast! Basically this is the about me page! Here I will share who I am, what I do for a living, and discuss how the podcast was started, why, and what you can expect from it. Be sure to check episode 1 of the Reality Check podcast "I Can't Feel My Legs." Love you all! -Steven

Speaker 1:

What is going on everyone. My name is Steven Farmer and welcome to the weekly reality check podcast. Okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to talk like that. Not at all. You're never going to hear me talk like that because that, isn't how I talk in real life. So you're not going to hear me talk like that on here. I will not do the radio voice. Okay. That's just not going to happen. No, this is the reality check podcast trailer and real quick. My name is Steven Farmer. I'm 26 years old and I work for a ministry titled face it ministries. We are a student initiated voluntary club that meets in high school and junior high campuses within Tangipahoa parish school systems. And here in the wheezy, Ana. Yeah, that was a mouthful, but Hey, I love Jesus. That's what this whole podcast is going to be about serving Jesus. I'm gonna be talking about different topics that each and every person I believe go through on a day-to-day basis. Some maybe not everyday, but things that are on your mind. And I want this podcast to be something that is applicable for all ages. This isn't something that is geared towards high school kids or, or junior high. This is for all ages college. This is for parents. This is for grandparents. This is for that person in the grave. Hey pill, I'm sorry. No, listen, this is a podcast that is just literally about talking about Jesus. And I want this to be something that is fun, entertaining, something that you can pop on for about 10 minutes a day, hear a good word and then go about your business. And so again, my name is Steven. I'm super excited. How did I start the reality check podcast? Why I was on the road to go play soccer last year, doing, you know, this thing called COVID. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's crazy. You see the whole world had to shut down crazy thing. But anyway, I was on the road to a good place. Soccer when I was kind of in a frustration talking to God and lashing out at him, not the, not my highlight moment, but I was talking to God saying, Lord, I'm just, I'm fed up. Like what is going on with the world? Why is everything the way that it is right now? Why can't we go do things? Why do we have to wear these stupid mask? Why can't I go be with my grandparents? Why can't I give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek? Why can't I talk to people? Why can't I go to stores? And I was complaining about that. And then also complaining about the fact that I couldn't do my full-time job, which was face it. I couldn't go into schools anymore. I couldn't speak and talk about Jesus to 500 plus students a month anymore. And I'm not bragging. There's other clubs that do far more than what we have done, but it's something that I absolutely love to do. It's what I was called to do at 19 years old, I've been doing it now for 18 years, 18 years, for eight years, 18 years. Where did that come from for eight years? And, uh, and it's something that I, I love. It's a, there's a passion there. And we do, um, with face it, for those of you that don't know, it's a three tier ministry. So we do clubs where we go into schools, we make our own pizzas. We have our own ovens. It takes about 10 minutes to make 24 pizzas at a time. Um, we bring those pizzas to a non-curricular time for the students. They come during their lunch times. Uh, we serve that to the students and we speak a short word, um, on, on topics that junior high and high school students are going through. So we talk about relationships and honoring your parents and talk about, you know, boldness fear, talk about chasing your dreams to, you know, the typical conversation points that that teenagers need to hear. And all of it is centered around one person and that's Jesus Christ, um, face it is a ministry that is neutral. So we work with multiple different churches and different denominations. And, but we keep it all on the same kind of level, which is just the gospel. We speak and talk about Jesus. We don't bring doctrine into it. We allow these pastors to get up and speak. We tell them, Hey, listen, get them to come to your church. And then you can preach, you know, the way you want to reach, but we're going to talk just about Jesus salvation and why we need him. And so that's what I do. Full-time but with COVID I couldn't do that. And on the road to go play soccer, that lift to kind of come and we were able to go do some more things. And I was talking to God and I said, Lord, I just can't speak in the schools. I can't do ministry. What on earth am I supposed to do? And then I felt like, God put it on my heart. I didn't hear him audibly, say, Steven, do this, this, this, but it was more like, I felt like, you know what? If I tried to do a podcast, I have a computer, I have a mic. I have the time to do this. Why not try? And so immediately I started doing like the intro. I was going, what's going on, guys? My name is Steven. And, and then I'd stop. What's going on, everybody. My name is Steven Farmer and welcome to, and I'd pause. What's going on, guys. My name is Steven from my welcome to and I'd stop again. And then all of a sudden I said, what's going on, guys? My name is Steven Farmer and welcome to your weekly reality check. And when I said it, I went, I liked that name. You see, my parents started a church called Southland community church. Um, back when I was a sophomore in high school, we had moved down here from Gulf port, Mississippi. I'm originally from Louisiana, lived here till I was eight. We moved to go port Mississippi started a church over there where church of the came and called a church to king Gulf coast, rural original. And the thing is, is that we started that. And, uh, I was there for about seven years. We moved back down to Louisiana. My dad felt called to come back, start a church here, wanted to reach his family. Um, and so we started the church. We originally named it, reality church. I thought that was a cool name. Dad thought it's too young sounding. So we kind of toss it to the side. And he went with Southland community church, great name. Um, and so reality stuck with me though. I've always wanted to use that name. And so while I was driving down the road, reality check came to my mind and I said, Hm, everybody needs a reality check from time to time. And I thought, wow, I could do a weekly reality check with people. I could do that with all ages. I don't want to just speak to junior high and high school students. I want adults to listen. I want, you know, parents to listen and families to listen. I want grandparents to listen because I get up and I speak at our church every now and then, and I speak to all ages there. And so I figured why not open this up for all to hear? And so I'm gonna be talking about topics that I believe everybody wants to hear. I'm going to be talking about leadership and, and talking about, you know, how to stay committed, how to stay the course. Those are three words that my dad has spoken over me. My entire life stayed the course. And, uh, and I'm gonna be talking about, you know, relationships I'm gonna be talking about, you know, what I've learned from my family on how to have a good marriage, how to parents, how to, how to, um, you know, lead and church, how to get involved. So, so many different topics and how to chase your dreams, how to, you know, stay committed, keep that flame going. Um, and really, I just want this podcast to be something that is encouraging, something that you can pop on for about 10 minutes and, and receive a word of encouragement on your drive to work in the morning or your drive home from work or going to school or whatever. Um, I want this to be something that you pop on, get a laugh from, uh, and, and maybe learn something, or maybe you already knew about it, but maybe it's something that just kind of furthers what you already knew and, and maybe you could share it and, and get other people to hear. And it's just another way for me to creatively bring the word of God, to someone who might not know it. And so that is what this podcast is all about. I'm super excited for it. Um, and so please join me for episode one, which is, I can't feel my legs

Speaker 1:

Right here on the reality check podcast.

Speaker 3:
