Reality Check

Ep. 4 Feed My Sheep!

Steven Farmer Season 1 Episode 4

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Throughout Jesus' ministry, we see that He not only performed miracles signs and wonders, but He taught his disciples that they would do the same. He challenged them in their faith, and encouraged them to know that the same power He has is given to them. In this episode, I discuss how today we are called to not only tell people about Jesus, but show them how to live a life for Him. 

Speaker 1:

Steven Farmer. Welcome to episode four of the reality check

Speaker 2:

Podcast. Today's episode is titled feed my sheep. And today I'm talking about discipleship and the importance of showing people how to live a life that glorifies God on the day today, you see Jesus and his walk and his ministry. The three years of ministry that he had, he only lived on earth for 33 years, was crucified rose from the dead and ascended back into heaven, sending his holy spirit to be able to do the work of the ministry. Right? But in those three years of ministry, when he called his disciples, right, mark one 17, he said, come follow me. And I'll make you fishers of men, fishers of people, right? He called his disciples to follow him in that pursuit and having them follow him. Jesus demonstrated how to live a life that glorifies God throughout the miracles signs and wonders that God performed in his ministry the whole time he was teaching his disciples, how to do it. Jesus didn't just preach messages and tell people what to do. He demonstrated it for him. He didn't just tell us disciples. And like in John 14, 12, that they would do greater things than these. He showed them how to do it so that they can do greater things. That's so cool. Jesus, didn't cast demons out and, and do all these miracles signs and wonders and heal. People healed the paralytic, the blind, the mute, the deaf, he didn't just heal all these people and tell the disciples, Hey, isn't this cool? What I can do? No. He said, you're going to have the same power to cast out demons to heal the sick. And he sent his disciples out to do it, but he first demonstrated what it meant to do those things. Jesus demonstrated, like I said, last week, what it meant to serve. I spoken see a need, fill a need the importance of servanthood, right? And how Jesus got down on his knees. And not only just told disciples, Hey, you need to serve people. Now he got down on his knees, grab a towel. And he washed his disciples feet. Why he wanted to show them, this is what servanthood is. Don't be a leader that tells people to do things and you don't do it yourself. A leader does exactly what he preaches, right? He's not a hypocrite. He's going to tell you what to do. And he's going to demonstrate it so that you can do it and do it even better. Right? And so Jesus demonstrates this. And in stories, you, you see Jesus teaching his disciples at one point, he's walking and talking with them. And he, he kind of asks a question who was it that they say that I am? And the disciples were saying all these different names and Peter steps up and says, you're the Messiah. The son of God. And Jesus looks at Peter and says, that's a revelation from God. Right? And, and highlights them. And then moments after P Jesus is talking about his death, that's coming. And Peter says, I'm not going to allow that in Jesus, rebuked Peter. So in, I mean, a moment, Jesus highlighted him and encouraged him. And then the next he's rebuking him. That is discipleship that is needed this day and time. It's not just something that was in the Bible. And Jesus demonstrated to his 12. No, we as disciples of God, nowadays and 2021, we're called to not only follow Jesus, but we're called to fish for men, just like the disciples did. And we're called to disciple. The people that we fish and catch. It's one thing to catch somebody, tell them about Jesus. But if we don't show them how to actually live a life for Jesus, they're just gonna slip back. It's like catching a fish and you get it up to the boat. And then the line breaks and they get back in the water. What good is that? That don't mean nothing. You didn't really catch him. You caught him for a second. They fought with you. You taught them some stuff. You bring them up and you tell them about Jesus. Hey, you, you got to return. You got to repent of your sins. And, and they're sitting there fighting you and all of a sudden they, yeah. So I I'm sorry. I, I don't want to do that anymore. And then you just cut the line and they go back in the water and do the things they were doing. It's the same way we're called to fish for them, haul them into the boat, catch them and then teach them right. We're called to teach these people how to live a life for Jesus. My dad has done that in my life. My mom has plenty of other pastors have, and I'm called now as a leader, as somebody that works for face administries. I don't want to just get up in a school and speak a message. Show people who Jesus is, get them a, raise their hand, you know, out of fear of going to hell or something or, or because they're ashamed and just be like, I'm sorry. And then never tell them how to live a life. That glorifies God shame on me. I want to meet with those people. One to one. I want to share with them how to walk out that faith just as Jesus did, was with his disciples and the stories. You know, you see Jesus. He asked that question who it is that they say that I am. But then also when the boat, two times they're on the boat, Jesus falls asleep one time and there's a big storm. The disciples wake them up, they're all panicking. And what does Jesus do? He calms the storm and it looks at him and says, you have little faith. And it's a teaching moment. Hey, you got to have faith. What are you doing? Why are you panicking? Right. Another time they're there on the boat and Jesus isn't with them. And Jesus appears on the water and they all think it's a ghost and they're panicking and freaking out. And he calls out to him. And Peter of all people says is that you Lord and Jesus calls him out on the water. And so Peter steps out on the water and he's walking towards Jesus. But the moment he sees the waves and the storm and the whole deal, he sinks, Jesus reaches his hand out, pulls him up. And what does he say? You have little faith, again, another teaching moment. It's so cool because Jesus was constantly teaching his disciples and showing them what it meant to live with faith, what it meant to perform those miracles. He didn't just say, I'm going to give you power to do this and that he showed them that power so that they can see it done and then believe it and know that they have that same power to carry out the ministry just as Jesus did. But today I want to look at one story that I find to be so impactful. And I'm I I'm saying this and I'm, I know I'm speaking kind of fast. I want this to be something that's short and to the point, um, because I can be long-winded on a topic like this. Discipleship is something that I'm just so passionate about. It's something that's so needed. We see so many podcasts that are about leadership and the effective ways to be a great leader. And, and that's great, but it's so important to not just lead people, but to demonstrate what it means to be a leader and demonstrate what it means to serve Jesus. That's so important. I don't want people just to believe in God. I want them to live for God. And there's this story in John chapter 21 is literally the last chapter of John. And it goes like this. I'm going to read it for you because it's, it's literally, it's an epilogue. John calls it jus John has already talked about Jesus's death and resurrection. He's also talked about the Ascension, how Jesus went back into heaven, right? And, and kind of push them to go and speak the gospel to every creature and the whole deal. And so here we are, there's an epilogue. John writes one more story. And it says, this Jesus appears to the seven disciples later. Jesus appeared again to the disciples beside the sea of Galilee. This is John chapter 21, verse one through 25. By the way, this is how it happened. Several of the disciples were there. Simon, Peter Thomas nicknamed the twin, Nathaniel from Canaan in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee and two other disciples. Simon, Peter said, I'm going fishing. We'll come to. They all said, so they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night at Dawn. Jesus was standing on the beach, but the disciples couldn't see who he was. So they had no idea. This is Jesus on the beach while they're fishing, Jesus calls out. He called out fellows. Have you caught any fish? No. They replied. Then he said, throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat. And you'll see, you'll get some sounds a lot like a previous story where Jesus told Peter to throw the net right, and catch fish on the other side. And Peter pulls in a ton of fish and the net breaks and they did them all in there, but it's like a ton of fish. It's a huge miracle. Then Jesus calls Peter to follow him. Super cool. Here is another story of Jesus Dylan with catching a ton of fish. So it says, so they did. And they couldn't hold in the net because there were so many fish in it. Then the disciple Jesus loved, which is John said to Peter, it's the Lord. When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord. He put on his tunic for, he had stripped for work. Peter was literally up in his underwear, bro fish. And he was just straight cooling and relaxing when he sees the Lord. Right? So he puts this tuning back on, jumped into the water and headed to shore. The others stayed with the boat and pulled the loaded net to the shore for there was only about a hundred yards from shore when they got there, they found breakfast, waiting for them, fish, cooking over a charcoal fire and some bread. So Jesus is like cook them food, man. It's so cool. I love this story. Bring some of the fish you've just caught. Jesus said, so Simon, Simon, Peter went aboard and dragged the net to the shore. There were 153 large fish. And yet the net hadn't torn. Now, when I read that, it's so funny because why it's such a random number, 153 large fish were caught and the net didn't tear. Why is that detailed there? And I'm going to, I'm going to point that out in a few minutes, because Jesus kind of talks about this in a second. So there were 153 large fish in the net hat and torn now come and have some breakfast. Jesus said none of the disciples dared to ask him, who are you? They knew it was the Lord. Then Jesus served them the bread and the fish. This was the third time Jesus had appeared to his disciples since he had been raised from the dead. So this is the third time since he raised from the dead that he's now appeared before the disciples. So after breakfast, Jesus asked Simon Peter. So now he's eight. He's been with the disciples. And now here's this one-on-one moment with Peter. Now, if you remember, just before all this Peter had denied Christ three times when, when Jesus was arrested and brought on trial in front of the Pharisees, Peter had followed from a distance. He was asked if he was a follower himself. And he said, no, I don't know who that guy is. And he denied Christ three times the rooster crowed and Peter felt fully ashamed that he had just rejected Christ three times. So here we see Jesus talking to Peter, and this is what he says. It says Simon, Peter, Simon, son of John. Do you love me more than these? Yes. Lord Peter replied, you know, I love you. Then feed my lambs. Jesus told them Jesus repeated the question. Simon son of John, do you love me? Yes, Lord Peter said, you know, I love you. Then take care of my sheep. Jesus said a third time. He asked him Simon son of John, do you love me? Now? When Jesus asked a third time, the word love in the Greek went when he said that it was not the love, like just, Hey a dealer. It was a love, meaning unconditional love. Do you love me? Unconditionally? And Peter was hurt and other languages. They have different words for love. They would have different words that represented a different type of love and the English language. We only have one word love. Do you love me? Do you love my dog? Do you love my food? It's kind of lame, but in other languages they have different words for love. And Jesus is asking Simon, do you love me? Unconditionally. Peter was heard that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, Lord, you know everything meaning? And I read this from commentary. Meaning, you know, every, you know, I denied you three times. I know I I'm a screw up. I messed up. He said, you know that, I love you though. Jesus said, then feed my sheep. I tell you the truth. When you were young, you were able to do, as you liked, you dress yourself and went wherever you wanted to go. But when you were old, you will stretch out your hands and others will dress you and take you where you don't want to go. Jesus said this to let him know by what kind of death he would glorify. God. Then Jesus told him, follow me. Now I've stopped right there. Peter has asked three times, do you love me? Three times Peter denied Christ yet. Here's Christ asking Peter to say three times that he loves him. So, so cool that Jesus redeemed, Peter. It's like, he's showing him. I forgive you. I know that you love me, Peter. I know that you rejected me. You said you don't know me three times. I know all this. Of course. I know it, but I still love you. I still accept you. And I still have plans for you. Why are you going out and fishing again? That's what you used to do. Why are you going back on the boat and fish? I didn't call you just a fish for a bunch of fish. I called you to fish for people. Do you love me, Peter? Yes. Then feed my lambs. Do you love me, Peter? Yes. Then take care of my sheep. Feed my sheep. What is he meaning by this? Why is he saying this? Jesus is telling Peter. I know you love me. I've called you to be a Fisher of men. I want you to go tell people about me, but not just tell them about me in the miracle signs and wonders and good news of who I am. I want you to show them how to live a life from me. It's one thing to catch the fish, but it's another to haul it into the boat and fully catch it, right? Nurture that it's now it's yours, right? I want you to catch people and bring them into the boat and secure them. I don't want them to get away. I want them to know how to live a life from me. Now, this is your job. I'm about to go back to heaven. I've done my part here. Now it's time for me to go to heaven now, it's you guys' turn to go tell people the good news and show them how to live a life from me so that they can spend eternity with me right now, while I do this podcast, the reason I do this isn't just to hear myself talk it isn't just to put a mic in front of me and talk and do this 500 times. And you only hear one rendition of this when I've done this exact podcast, like 15 times. Cause I mess up something after a race. I do this because I want to show people the listeners of all ages, how to live a life for Jesus. I want to demonstrate the love of Christ. I want to demonstrate that, Hey, I love Jesus, but I want to demonstrate, Hey, listen, I love Jesus. And I want you to love him as well. I want to show you how to live a life for Jesus. I want to make disciples of Christ. I want to show you how to walk out your faith. I don't want you just to respond to a message and say, I'm sorry, Jesus, forgive me of my sins, but then go right back into the world and do the things that you used to do. And then sit there and go, God, why do I keep doing this? Why do I keep making this mistake? And feeling condemned and terrible, Jesus didn't come to condemn the world. He came to save it. But to people who don't know that they'll sit there and allow the enemy to just beat them down. And that could be you listening to this message right now. You could be sitting there thinking I keep screwing up. I'm a mess up. I'm just like Peter, what can God do with me? But Jesus has a plan for you. If you choose to accept that plan. If you choose to accept him into your heart, you believe that he died on the cross. You believe he rose from the dead. God can come into your heart. And usually that same power that the disciples had to cast out demons to do healings and the win people to the Lord. That same power lives in you in 2021, by having Jesus in you, you had the same power. I have the same power, the power to speak in tongues, the power to be filled with the holy spirit, all these powers. This is, this is a power that God has as the holy spirit. I'm not talking super powers like Marvel and DC. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the power of the holy spirit lives in us because we've accepted Christ in us. And God can use us to do great things. And it's a shame. If we just learn about Jesus and hear the word, but not go and tell people about it and show them how to live a life for God, Jesus did it. I told you, he demonstrated what it meant to live a life for God, what it meant to serve Jesus, what it meant to serve God, it's our turn now. And he told Peter, I don't want you just to go fish. I want you to fish for people. I want you to be the rock, which I've already called you to be. He called him Simon, right? But he called him Peter, which meant rock for which the church will be built upon. He told Peter, you used to live one way. Now you live another. You used to live in sand. You used to do wrong, but now you've been changed. You're a, you're a new creation. And I've called you to reach people for Christ to reach people, to serve God and build the church that I want you to build so that they can come to know Christ and live eternity with me. And y'all was so cool. Is that Peter does this, the same guy who denied Christ three times the same guy who was a screw up, the same guy that didn't deserve anything was forgiven was called to follow again. And what I love is that Peter Rose to the occasion, he was the rock on Palm, which the church was built. The holy spirit came to him and acts and he filled with the holy ghost. He speaks to thousands of people get saved. And the thing is, is that Peter becomes a champion for Christ and ends up dying on a cross. And he's, he's hung on a cross just as Jesus was. But he said, I don't want to die the same way. Jesus did. I want you to crucify me upside down. Peter told Jesus from the get go, I'm going to die for you. Um, I'm going to the ends of the earth. And Peter did just that. I love love Peter. And I love that story that John does. John gives us one more story to show that, Hey, listen, God still use Peter to do great things. God can use you today to do great things. So I challenge you. If you haven't been discipled. If you've raised recently and got saved, you've been to church and you accepted Christ. It's time to get discipled, go meet with your leaders, go do a, one-to-one go meet with them and share with them what you're going through, your sins, the things that you've struggled with so they can help you through those things. Don't allow the enemy to condemn you and tell you how terrible you are. Get discipled so that you can live a life for God. And eventually God can promote you to a place of leadership. And you can do the very same thing that the leaders are doing to you. And you can disciple people for Christ. Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoy what I had to say.

Speaker 1:

It's time to go and disciple others. I'll see you next.

Speaker 3:
